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Upload Images

To upload images, use the /api/upload-images endpoint. You can upload multiple images in a single request. Make sure to replace your-api-key and your-user-id with your actual API key and user ID.

Request Parameters

The endpoint supports the following query parameters:

  • width (optional): Width of the image.
  • height (optional): Height of the image.
  • quality (optional): Quality of the image (default is 80).
  • crop (optional): Crop parameters in the order left, top, width, and height.
  • progressive (optional): Enable progressive rendering (default is false).
  • grayscale (optional): Convert the image to grayscale (default is false).
  • rotate (optional): Rotation angle of the image.
  • format (optional): Output format of the image (default is the original input format). Supported formats: JPG, JPEG, PNG, WebP, TIFF, and AVIF.

Code Example - JavaScript

Upload Images Example
const apiKey = 'your-api-key';
const userId = 'your-user-id';

const formData = new FormData();
formData.append('images', file1); // Replace file1 with your image file
formData.append('images', file2); // Replace file2 with another image file
//you can include as much customization as you want

fetch('https://your-api-url/api/upload-images?width=500&height=300&quality=80&crop=10,10,200,200&progressive=true&grayscale=true&rotate=90&format=JPEG', {
method: 'PUT',
headers: {
'x-api-key': apiKey,
'x-user-id': userId,
body: formData,
.then(response => response.json())
.then(data => console.log(data))
.catch(error => console.error('Error:', error));

Response Format

Upon successful upload, the API responds with a JSON object containing details of the processed images. Here's an example:

"processedImages": [
"key": "d615f397-8462-47e4-812b-20d0fd3041d7-hero.webp",//use this key to delete later
"mimeType": "image/webp",
"OriginalFileSize": "14.05 MB",
"finalFileSize": "0.03 MB",
"compressionApplied": "99.80%",
"imageUrl": "",
"thumbnailUrl": ""
// ... additional images